Contact me on +44 (0) 78 1111 2654
Wouldn’t it be great if you could just have a quick chat with a web analytics expert for free, well almost free, let’s say... for just the cost of a phone call? My Fast Track Web Analytics Help service is free. Why? Two reasons, firstly I believe in helping people to help themselves, why not share my web analytics knowledge and start them off in the right direction? Secondly, nothing gives me more pleasure than a business improving their website for the benefit of their customer and their bottom line. Its win win all round! So if you need some free web analytics advice about how to do better online give me a call on 078 1111 2654  and I’ll be happy to point you in the right direction.   What does web analytics mean? Don’t be put off by the term “web analytics”. The definition of web analytics is essentially a term created in the 1990’s to describe the tools, methodology and practice of collecting and analysing data with a purpose of improving online business performance. Why do I need web analytics? Our digital landscape is evolving at a rapid rate, almost three quarters of UK households have internet access and it is predicted that by 2013 more people will access the internet from their mobile phone than their household PC. Digital has become immersed in everything we do and it is constantly changing the way we do things. We are able to pick and choose how we interact with companies today and we do so with high expectation, our customers like us do the same. Regardless of industry or sector, there is a certainty that there will be an audience who is looking to communicate and interact with you digitally. Coupled with high customer expectations and the current economic climate, it has never been more important for companies to become more effective and more efficient, working smarter to understand who their customers are and how they can reduce their overall costs. So “why do I need web analytics”? Well firstly without web analytics it is virtually impossible for any company to assess their digital performance. If you don’t know how well or not so well you’re doing, how can you pinpoint areas you need to make improvements to? Not to mention how do you quantify the return on investment your digital assets are providing? Secondly, whilst your bottom line and profit is important, its your customers who keep you in business. What about them and evaluating their experience? Too often companies fail to assess their website from the customers point of view. Through poor site design, confusing navigation and irrelevant content significant volumes of customers (and money) is lost, potential customers just go elsewhere - all in the space of a click. Make no mistake, web analytics or in other words, evaluating your digital investments, is vital to your success. The extent to which you take web analytics depends on a number of factors (I’m happy to discuss these with you). The most important thing to remember is that whatever web analytics investment you make be sure the output returns greater economic value. Start simple, start making changes to improve your performance, enjoy the results and keep optimising.                                                                                                      Disclaimer | Privacy | Site Map | Contact